
IntACT Advanced course

The 2nd IntACT Advanced Course will be hold just before ICTMS 2022 from 23rd to 25th June 2022. It will take place in the same building as the conference. The 2nd IntACT Advanced Course is entitled "Linking Multiscale Imaging and Modelling of Materials".

In material science, the available multidimensional imaging techniques allow to go beyond observation and morphological quantification of microstructures. Linking imaging with different numerical modelling methods offers new possibilities to improve the understanding of the relation between microstructure and physical properties of materials. Furthermore, non-destructive acquisition techniques, like X-ray tomography, give access to microstructures evolutions with time that are relevant to processing, degradation, and recycling of materials.
The 2nd IntACT advanced course will gather a selection of experts that will present a panorama of recent developments in linking multiscale imaging and modelling of materials. Two specific steps are commonly required in the workflow between images and numerical models: segmentation and meshing. They will be addressed in the first lectures. The third lecture will focus on multiscale and time resolved acquisitions. Examples involving different numerical methods (finite elements, finite volumes, discrete elements, ...) and different families of materials (fibrous composites, ceramics, geomaterials, ...) will complete this 2nd IntACT advanced course.

The speakers are:

Henry PROUDHON, MINES ParisTech, France
, MINES ParisTech, France
Rajmund MOKSO, DTU Physics, Denmark. & Lund University, Sweden
Jean-Yves BUFFIERE, MATEIS, Lyon, France
Dominique BERNARD, ICMCB-CNRS, Pessac, France
Lars P. MIKKELSEN, DTU Wind Energy, Dennmark
Pierre DUMONT, LaMCoS, Lyon, France
Stéphane ROUX,
U. Paris Saclay, ENS Paris Saclay, CentraleSupélec, CNRS, Saclay, France
Christophe MARTIN
, SIMap/GPM2, Grenoble, France
Henning LOEWE,
, Snow Physics Group, Davos Dorf, Switzerland

 More information can be found here.

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